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Prayer & Liturgy

You can see more of Prayer & Liturgy at SGSM by clicking on our Facebook link below:

#Prayer & Liturgy SGSM




Advent Prayer & Liturgy

As a collegiate, we came together to each plan prayer for one week of Advent. Some of our Catholic Life leaders met with the collegiate lay chaplain to plan our time of prayer. This was recorded and shared with the children, parents, parish and wider community. 

Whole School Prayer & Liturgy

In addition to each class taking part in Prayer within the classroom, the children lead regular whole school liturgies. These include Advent and Lent liturgies, plus a Liturgy linked to their learning in RE.

Year 5 - Homelessness & Refugees

Year 4 - Jesus Beloved Son & Light of the World

Year 4 led a wonderful whole school Prayer & Liturgy on Jesus the Beloved Son and Light of the World. They linked their learning in RE to the Gospel of Jesus being presented in the temple. They encouraged us to reflect on how we can use the light of Jesus in our own lives. The Go Forth mission was to tell one person about the light and joy that Jesus can bring to their lives. 

Year 3 - The Eucharist

Year 3 led a whole school Prayer & Liturgy on The Eucharist. This is particularly important to them as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time. They reflected on the Gospel reading from the Last Supper and the blessing that is Jesus in the Eucharist. 

Year 2 - Parable of the Sheep and Goats

Year Two led our whole school Prayer & Liturgy based on the Parable of the Sheep and Goats. We reflected on God's love for us and how this is shown through his forgiveness.

Year 1 - Zacchaeus

Year One led our Prayer & Liturgy beautifully. They continued with the theme of repentance as we reflected on the story of Zacchaeus, how Jesus forgave him and what this means for us and our relationship with God.

Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes 

Each of our classes celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes with their own class Liturgy. 

Class Prayer & Liturgy

We are lucky that we can attend mass every second Thursday at our parish church located next to our school building. The children lead the Liturgy of Word and participate as altar servers during our celebration of the Eucharist. On the other Thursday, we share in Prayer & Liturgy within our classrooms. The children play an active part in planning and leading Prayer & Liturgy as outlined in our progression documents. 
