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Catholic Life - Living It Out




At SGSM, we are aware that we are called to act out our faith. Being a Catholic is about showing our love for God by serving others in our daily lives. The Gospel message of 'loving one another' is at the core of the life of our school. We strive to actively live out our lives by listening and understanding the teachings of the Gospel. We serve those around us with compassion and love and carry out our own personal discipleship. 

You can see more about Catholic Life at SGSM, by watching the video below or by clicking on the Facebook link: #CatholiclifeSGSM





Some of the Catholic Life leaders have carried out the Epiphany tradition of the chalking and blessing of doors. The symbols represent the year of 2024 and the three kings Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar. This is seen as a way to celebrate the Epiphany by God’s blessing of our lives, homes and school. With time the chalk will fade. As it does, we let the meaning of the symbols written sink into the depths of our heart and manifest in our words and actions.

Northwood Daycare Visits

Our visits to Northwood Daycare have continued. The children enjoyed chatting with the adults and even had the chance to play Bingo during the Year Five visit. Year Two played dominoes during their visit. 

Newman Global Charity Meeting

Some of our Catholic Life leaders went to Saint Margaret Ward to meet with children from across the collegiate. They completed some team building activities linked to fairness and injustice. They then researched and presented on some of the global charities that they would like us to support during the summer term.

Live Simply

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the Live Simply award. This has been the result of much hardwork by our children and validates that they are living simply, sustainably, and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities.

The award, championed by overseas development charity CAFOD, was presented to us after we successfully planned and implemented faith inspired actions that highlighted the importance of caring for people and the planet. Our actions have had a positive impact throughout the school, in the local community, and globally too, as we reached out to make a difference.   

“Congratulations to the pupils and staff on achieving the LiveSimply Award. Their actions are wonderful examples of caring for others and our common home and we wish them well as they continue to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity”.

Siobhan Farnell, Live Simply Coordinator.

Higoanon Tree Project

As part of our tree growing project, some of our Catholic Life leaders travelled to Birmingham to take part in the first stage of planting. The video below shares some of the highlights from the day. #CaringforGod'screation.

Inspire Mornings

Our Inspire mornings have continued. Year Two created their own Lenten prayer stones and spent some time in prayer together. Thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend. 

Lenten Pledges

Our children have chosen a Lenten pledge for their class to take part in. All of the money raised will be going to Father Hudson's as part of the Good Shepherd appeal. 

Year Two each ran 20 laps of the playground...


Autumn Term 2023

Some of our actions this term have included supporting the local Daycare centre, Dougie Mac cake sale, Splat the Teacher fundraiser, Food Bank collection and Dougie Mac Toy collection. We thank you for your support with each of these initiatives and in particular for your kind donations to our charity work and Harvest Festival food collection.

Christmas Nativities

We thoroughly enjoyed welcoming families to our Christmas performances. Well done to all of the staff and children for their hard work in putting them together.

Advent Prayer & Liturgy

As a collegiate, we shared Advent Prayer & Liturgy sessions which were planned by our children and Matt the Collegiate chaplain. Our Advent Prayer video can be viewed by scanning the QR code.

Each of our classes have also led a whole school Advent Liturgy. These took us on a journey from the Annunciation to Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem.

Higaonan Tree Project

We have recently joined a collaborative project between schools in the UK and the Higaonon indigenous people on the island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines. Each of the twenty  Catholic schools will commit to support the planting and nurturing of Philippine indigenous trees through fundraising over a period of five years. Below you will see the plan for the project.

Inspire Mornings

The first of our Inspire mornings have taken place. Thank you to all of the parents who supported these. Year six focused on the feast of All Souls. Years one and two honoured our Blessed Mother, Mary making finger Rosaries and portraits. Year Five explored how John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus and created their own artwork entitled Jesus ‘Light of the World’.

RISE Theatre - God's Planet

We were joined by a theatre company where the children explored themes of climate change, God’s love for us and how we can be better stewards of God’s amazing creation.

One Million Children Praying the Rosary

Two of our Rosary club members led a decade of the rosary in each class as part of the #1millionchildren praying initiative.  The intention for this worldwide prayer was world peace and unity.

Northwood Daycare Visits

Our classes have continued their termly visits to Northwood Daycare centre. They have played games, made greeting cards and sang with the residents during the last term. The residents also came into school to watch our Christmas performances. 

Red Wednesday

On 29th November, the children wore red as part of Red Wednesday. This day raises awareness of the persecution of Christians simply for living out their faith.

Harvest Festival

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Thank you to everyone who kindly donated to our Harvest festival. We were joined by many parents and parishioners for our service in church which was led brilliantly by our children.

Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary

The children had a great day celebrating the birthday of our Blessed Mother, Mary. They took part in various activities including creating miraculous medals and their own Mary prayer gardens.

Combined Schools' Mass

Thank you to those children who represented the school at the Combined Schools’ Mass celebrated by Canon Paul. North Staffordshire's Catholic Schools come together annually at the Combined School Mass, celebrated at St Gregory's Catholic Church in Longton.  

This is the only mass of its type across the whole country where both the primary and secondary schools come together. In the course of the celebration, each school is welcomed as children from that school process through the church with their school's banner.